You will find this guy right where you left him, waiting reliably to unburden you. Placed in the hallway, he will take your bags and backpacks, relieve your heavy feet of shoes and offer your cozy slippers. Put in the living room, he will display all the souvenirs and photos from your travels, favorite books that take you places in your mind. Made of copper and wood, so warm and comforting to the eye you will always know you are home. 
Traveller Latitude
You will find this guy right where you left him, waiting reliably to unburden you. Placed in the hallway, he will take your bags and backpacks, relieve your heavy feet of shoes and offer your cozy slippers. Put in the living room, he will display all the souvenirs and photos from your travels, favorite books that take you places in your mind. Made of copper and wood, so warm and comforting to the eye you will always know you are home. 
Linija Short
Traveller Latitude